High-end privé studio

Our team

Uplift studio

Personal attention

to your fitness goals

We are dedicated to set ourselves apart in the (sometimes confusing) world of fitness. Our expertise? Getting our clients to improve physically and mentally, get them active, educate them, and to inspire them the best we can. We have the experience and know-how to realize your goals together with you. In our private training facility in Amstelveen is your health and fitness goals, can be attained through personal attention and coaching.

Jan-Willem Stronks

My name is Jan-Willem, named after my father Jan and grandfather Willem. JAWI is my nickname.

I grew up in the ‘Achterhoek’, where I was raised in an athletic family. I used to go to bed without locking the door, cycled on roads between meadows without streetlights, could put your groceries on a tab at the local supermarket, and my two sisters and I were always on an adventure. Our favorite activities? Diving into bushes, playing pranks, jumping from trees, building huts, starting fires, playing army, hopscotch, and football. Childhood was all about one thing, football.

With pride, I wore the blue/white of De Graafschap and later the red/black of De Treffers. Unfortunately, two knee injuries forced me to end my football career much too early. In every setback, there’s a lesson. The biggest lesson I learned during this period is to think and live in possibilities rather than limitations. By shifting my focus to situations where I did have influence and being grateful, I realized that life has much more to offer than just football.

For the past few years, alongside my own sports activities, another significant passion has emerged – coaching people holistically to increase awareness of their own health and providing tools during sessions with the goal of improving the client’s self-sufficiency and positive health. In performing the duties as a physiotherapist, orthomolecular therapist, and personal trainer, five pillars of positive health are central: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic.

After doing my favorite CrossFit workout combination: 400m run, 200 double unders, 100 sit-ups, 50 pull-ups, 25 thrusters, 10 burpee box jumps, and 5 handstand push-ups, I prefer to enjoy protein pancakes made from: protein powder, oats, cinnamon, eggs, banana, blueberries, raspberries, 90% cocoa, and walnuts.

Marleen Pol

Hi! My name is Marleen. Since 2017, I have been seriously involved in training. This resulted in continuously learning more and seeking assistance from (online) coaches. Ultimately, I wanted to have the knowledge myself, so in 2023, I obtained my EREPS CPT certificate from Milo Education. I pursued this certification alongside my office job. I originally come from Drenthe and studied economics in Groningen. I earned my MSc in Economics & Finance in Copenhagen, where I also started working in consulting. Through my own work experience, I understand what it’s like to have a busy (office) job and still prioritize health and training. I have since reduced my working hours and am extremely passionate about helping others with their training!

Side note about me: I absolutely dislike cooking but love good food. When friends are looking for a restaurant in Copenhagen, they know how to reach me. If you ever head that way and need a recommendation, let me know! On the other hand, I still need to explore Amsterdam, so it’s always fun to exchange tips 😉

Luca Oskam

Hi! Mijn naam is Marleen. Sinds 2017 ben ik serieus bezig met trainen. Dat resulteerde in steeds meer leren en hulp zoeken bij (online) coaches. Uiteindelijk wilde ik zelf de kennis in huis hebben en dus heb ik in 2023 mijn EREPS CPT certificaat behaald bij Milo Education. Ik volgde daar de opleiding naast mijn kantoorbaan. Ik kom oorspronkelijk uit Drenthe en heb economie gestudeerd in Groningen. Mijn MSc Economics & Finance heb ik behaald in Kopenhagen, waar ik ook begon te werken in consulting. Door mijn eigen werkervaring weet ik wat het is om een drukke (kantoor)baan te hebben en toch gezondheid en training voorop te stellen. Inmiddels ben ik minder gaan werken en ik ben enorm gedreven om anderen te helpen met trainen!

Side note about me: ik houd absoluut niet van koken maar wel van lekker eten. Wanneer vrienden op zoek zijn naar een restaurant in Kopenhagen, dan weten ze mij te vinden. Mocht je ooit die kant op gaan en nog een aanbeveling nodig hebben? Let me know! Daarentegen moet ik Amsterdam nog steeds leren kennen, dus altijd leuk om tips uit te wisselen 😉


Max van Schaik

Hi! I’m Max van Schaik, you won’t easily overlook me. I am meticulous, calm, and understanding, but also firm when necessary, especially when motivating you during our session.

In addition to my years as a professional basketball player, I am also proud of my recent successes as a personal trainer, such as my certificates in Strength & Conditioning Trainer Level 1 and 2. I find plyometrics genuinely interesting and love learning and applying new training methods.

But I’m not only focused on sports. Last year, I discovered photography. This is not just a fun hobby, but it also helps me see the world in a different way. I also incorporate this into my work as a trainer.

When I’m not at the gym or taking photos, I enjoy playing games with my friends. This is a fun way to relax, and I am also (very) competitive. As a child, I lived in the US for 3 years, and as a teenager, I lived in Spain for 4 years, giving me a deep appreciation for different kinds of people and cultures. As a result, I love traveling, discovering new places, and experiencing different cultures. These experiences broaden my perspective on the world. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, local or from afar, I value the unique background and challenges of each client. This openness and flexibility are essential in my role as a personal trainer, where it’s all about understanding and supporting your unique journey.

Whatever your goal is, whether it’s improving in sports, getting fitter, or just living a healthier life, I’m ready to help. Let’s work together to achieve your goals!

Niek Warrink
Ralph Dawson
Ralf Sypesteyn

Born on 29/5/1984 in Paramaribo, Surinam. I started out as 17 year old highschool kid, trying to get girls their attention by improving my physique. This soon became my biggest hobby and the challenges to improve yourself were addicting to me. I became more and more fascinated with health, strength(training) and nutrition and how fitness/working out could improve this. Around my 20th birthday, I got my first job as a trainer at a local gym in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel. After working for several gyms in and around Amsterdam as a fitness-and group class instructor, I decided I wanted to focus on personal training. This, because I noticed this was the most effective way to help people change their body and lives. I then started my own business, called Sypesteyn Personal Training and managed to increase my clientele and revenue each year. In 2014 my son was born and sadly he had some major health issues that caused us to be in the hospital for several months. While not being able to work, I realized I had to change some things because being self-employed is a very vulnarable business model. I needed to start a business but I had no idea how. Luckily, I met Ralph Dawson who helpen me scale up the business. After several failed attempts we managed to find intelligent and passionate trainers and with the new brand name UPLIFT head for a bright future!


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